Memorial Listing

Parish: Seaton
Location: Seaton, Church of St. Gregory Churchyard
Type: War Memorial

As the amount of information on the different memorials varies this page only lists the names found on the memorial. Any other information available can be found using the More link alongside the name.

Surname Initials
Newton Walter N. More
Newton James H. More
Northcott George T. More
Northcott Arthur J. More
Oldridge Wilfrid G. More
Palmer Arthur P. More
Perry William More
Real William More
Sutton Richard C. More
Trinsman Charles C. More
Trivett Eugene More
White Robert More
Peach Alfred C. More
Akerman Francis L. More
Allardyce Colin More
Allardyce Harry More
Ball Percy C. More
Carslake William More
Carslake George More
Dommett Alfred L. More
Fry Thomas More
Gosney Reginald. W. More
Gush William G. More
Gigg Reginald More
Gigg Sidney F. More
Green Alfred J. More
Groves Charles W. More
Holmes Cyril More
Haymes William More
Hooper Reginald T. More
Inge Percy More
Jones William More
Mortimore Reginald More